The Beehive Tiers

Want to join the Beehive, but not sure which tier is right for you? Hopefully this will help 😉

P.S. The signup fee is just the payment for month you’re signing up in, so that you begin your subscription straight away!

The Bee

If you like to move around, trying new things, but don’t want to commit to adding everything to your hoard at once, then this is the tier for you. Like the bee, you flutter around new colours, tasting what is on offer, and then taking your one or two favourites back home with you. 

Each package contains two pans of paint, new to the KHH range, and a sample dot card of the five additional colours to the palette. You also receive a print, and some paper samples to try out your new paints on.

The Magpie

Or perhaps you feel that you are more a Magpie paint collector. Whilst still selective, only adding the “shiniest” items to your nest (or palette), you want to give each of the colours a good try before carefully selecting the ones to buy in larger sizes.

The xx tier includes 7 mini metal pans per package (the entire palette), plus the art print and paper samples.

The Dragon

Perhaps a tiny sample isn’t enough for you. You don’t have a nest… you have a HOARD!!! It is not simply enough to try the colours. You must have them for your collection, and create a chromatic honeycomb that fills your dragon heart with joy.

Not only do Queen Bee tier subscribers get all seven colours in hexagon half pans, they also receive the exclusive holder, print, paper samples and an additional gift. In the past this has included line art, stencils, and ceramic pans.